
Japan Travel Hokkaido/recommended restaurants, sightseeing spots, and hotels


How to get to Hokkaido

There are two ways to get to Hokkaido: first come directly from your home country, or by plane from Tokyo. If you have Hokkaido in your Japan travel plans and want to visit several places such as Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, we recommend that you first come directly from your country to New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido.

It’s the cheapest. If that is not possible, come to Tokyo once and then fly to Hokkaido.

And Hokkaido is a bigger island than you might imagine. It has an area the same size as South Korea. In Hokkaido, trains only exist mainly in urban areas on the west side. You will need a bus or rental car to get to central Hokkaido or the eastern edge of Hokkaido. Therefore, if you go to central or eastern Hokkaido, you will need to stay for more than 3 days.

If you are sightseeing in the western part of Hokkaido, you can do it in less than 3 days. Here are some recommendations on the west side of Hokkaido, which is near Hokkaido’s major airports.

How to get to New Chitose Airport, how to get to Sapporo city from the airport

If you are flying directly from your country to Hokkaido, we recommend arriving at New Chitose Airport (CTS). This is because it is the closest airport to Sapporo, Hokkaido’s most popular center.

From Tokyo to Hokkaido. It costs 10,000 yen to fly by LCC to New Chitose Airport, which is located in Sapporo, the center of Hokkaido. A plane departs from Narita Airport in Tokyo.

Let’s move from the airport to the main station. The means of transportation is by train. It takes about 40 minutes by Rapid Airport train from New Chitose Airport Station to Sapporo Station. It runs about once every 15 minutes from 8:00 to 20:00. The cost is about 1100 yen.

【SAPPORO-Hokkaido】Recommended sightseeing spots


新千歳空港 New Chitose Airport

I’ll be honest. All of Hokkaido’s famous souvenirs and delicious shops can be found in the airport shopping mall. We recommend buying souvenirs at the airport on your last day.

新千歳空港 · 〒066-0012 北海道千歳市美々
★★★★☆ · 空港

Sapporo has a lot of snow, so you will mainly be traveling on underground streets. The underground shopping mall is very comfortable.

さっぽろ地下街 ポールタウン · 〒060-0042 北海道札幌市中央区大通西4丁目
★★★★☆ · ショッピング モール

Sapporo Snow Festival.

It is held only in the beginning of February. Only from February 5th to February 10th every year.

大通公園西4丁目 · 〒060-0042 北海道札幌市中央区大通西4丁目
★★★★☆ · 公園

If you visit Hokkaido’s universities until late October or late November, you can see the beautiful avenues of autumn leaves.

北大いちょう並木 · 〒060-0812 北海道札幌市北区 北13条西5~7丁目北海道大学構内
★★★★★ · 景勝地

【SAPPORO-Hokkaido】Recommended Restaurants

There are many delicious foods in Hokkaido. It is famous for its seafood, miso butter ramen, potatoes, corn, and milk.

[SAPPORO]Teshikaga Ramen Yokocho store

There are many ramen shops around Sapporo. Popular stores have long lines. Most stores have it, but we recommend choosing a store that has “Miso Butter Ramen.”

弟子屈ラーメン横丁店 · 〒064-0805 北海道札幌市中央区南5条西3丁目 元祖さっぽろラーメン横丁
★★★★★ · ラーメン屋

[SAPPORO]★★Conveyor belt sushi Triton Kita 8jo Kosei branch 回転寿しトリトン 北8条光星店

Triton, a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Hokkaido that is said to be the most delicious in Japan. It’s special to be able to eat at such a low price. It’s a popular restaurant, so there will probably be a line for several minutes.

However, the sushi is worth the wait.

My recommendations are “Nishin [herring] ニシン” and “Aji [horse mackerel] アジ”

回転寿しトリトン 北8条光星店 · 〒060-0908 北海道札幌市東区北8条東5丁目19−1
★★★★☆ · 回転寿司店

【SAPPORO-Hokkaido】Reasonable and good hotel recommendation

I recommend you book a hotel as close to the station as possible. This is because Hokkaido is a large area, and in winter, snow can make traveling difficult.

SAPPORO-Hokkaido Hotel Search

Single room

close to the station

price less than 10,000 yen

rating 8 or higher

How to get from Sapporo to Otaru

If you enjoyed Sapporo on your first day, take the train to Otaru, located in the northwest of Hokkaido, on your second day. It’s so close that I can come back for a day trip.

JR is the standard way to travel from Sapporo to Otaru. Travel time between Sapporo and Otaru is approximately 30 minutes on the Rapid Airport train and approximately 46 minutes on the local train. The fee is 750 yen.

Otaru is a seaside port town. Seafood is very delicious. If you want to eat seafood, I recommend Otaru.

【Otaru-Hokkaido】Recommended sightseeing spots

Otaru-Hokkaido Shopping

[Otaru]小樽中央市場 Otaru Central Market

You can get a lot of delicious dried fish at the Otaru fish market. And the seafood around this area is delicious.

小樽三角市場 · 〒047-0032 北海道小樽市稲穂3丁目10−16
★★★★☆ · マーケット

[Otaru]かま栄 工場直売店 Kamaei factory direct sales store

The freshly made kamaboko (fried ground white fish) here is very delicious. This is a factory-operated store where we serve freshly made food at the counter. Be sure to try the "ひら天 Hiraten'and 'えび天 Ebi ten” recommed.

かま栄 工場直売店 · 〒047-0027 北海道小樽市堺町3−7
★★★★☆ · 総菜屋

[Otaru]Taisho Glass Museum Main Store

Glasswork has been famous in Otaru since around 1800. You can see a lot of beautiful glass products.

大正硝子館 本店 · 〒047-0031 北海道小樽市色内1丁目1−8
★★★★☆ · ガラス工房

【Otaru-Hokkaido】Recommended Restaurants

[Otaru]★★★Takeda (Sankaku Market Otaru City Station)たけだ(三角市場 小樽市駅前)

ANA’s special rice bowl from “Shokudo Ajidokoro Takeda” in Otaru Sankaku Market. Rice with sea urchin, salmon roe, and crab. 3300 yen. Delicious memories from Hokkaido.

市場食堂 味処たけだ · 〒047-0032 北海道小樽市稲穂3丁目10−16 三角市場内
★★★★☆ · 海鮮丼専門店

There are also shops around this market where you can grill and eat a variety of shellfish.

You’ll never know that there are oysters and avian clams the size of an adult man’s palm, and scallops the size of your fist.

Departing from Hokkaido

It will take you about 3 days to sightsee in Sapporo and Otaru in Hokkaido. Then, continue your journey by returning directly to your home country, returning to Tokyo’s Narita Airport, or heading to Nagoya or Osaka.

New Chitose Airport.

Most of Hokkaido’s specialty products can be found at this airport. There are also delicious restaurants.

If you have time, you can stand in line for corn bread at the airport. This corn bread is very delicious.

This is a terminal for domestic flights only in Japan.

★★美瑛選果 新千歳空港店 びえいのコーンぱん Biei corn bread

美瑛選果 新千歳空港店 · 〒066-0012 北海道千歳市美々 新千歳空港国内線ターミナル2F
★★★★☆ · 青果店